Internet coupons? No, I have never heard of such a thing. Amazon sure doesn’t offer them. NewEgg doesn’t offer them. eBay doesn’t offer them. Threadless doesn’t offer them. I don’t buy from anyone else.
I know that you all think I’m supposed to know how to order food from the Internet properly with no one telling me about it. I just want to know how you all think I was supposed to know without anyone telling me. 8 months ago
Now I’m confused if you’re being sarcastic or not. Do you think those sites don’t offer coupons? (because they do) 8 months ago
I don’t know how many times I have to say I never order food on the Internet, but I still never order food on the Internet Internet. Somehow, I was supposed to find out how to order food on the Internet cheaper by osmosis. That’s what you all seem to be telling me. The weird thing is, none of you seem to be saying that Domino’s is charging too much and then charging people less if they use a coupon, when they could just charge everyone less to begin with. 8 months ago
That’s just the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Domino’s has had coupons since before the internet existed. You have no excuse. You’ve never seen the coupons at the end of shopping receipts? Stuffed in your mailbox? You know they exist.
And all those other sites still have discount codes all the time. There’s entire websites dedicated to sharing coupon codes for every online shop.
The weird thing is, everyone - me included in this thread - has said Domino’s charges too much. As to why they don’t just lower prices? Because then they wouldn’t make as much money off of stupid and lazy people.
Why don’t businesses include tax with the sticker price? why do they put it as $7.99 instead of $8? because it looks smaller to your reptile brains and encourages overspending. They do it because it makes more money.
SHOULD they? meh. it would be nice. But also, our smooth brains like finding prizes (discounts) which encourages spending that we might not otherwise do. So they get more money both ways. Basic marketing 101.
Honestly, as someone with your hospital expenses, I’m not sure why finding ways to spend less money isn’t higher on your things-to-do list, as opposed to moderating Lemmy. I’m not telling you how to spend your time, but you did write a few posts about spending too much money. 8 months ago
That is just a lie. Not only had many people not said that and just berated me for not using a coupon, I have asked multiple times now why Domino’s can’t just charge less and not make people use coupons, and no one answers that question they just say use a coupon. but I guess I can’t be as smart as everybody here. Obviously it’s my fault for being stupid. Companies that take advantage of stupid people are right to do so because stupid people are bad people at least that’s what I’m hearing here.