Comment on You fucking stupid people 3 years agoDid you read the final demands Putin sent to Ukraine and NATO in January before he invaded ? Ukraine not joining NATO. Nothing about Globalists etc.
No, shit does not change with Putin. He has been consistent since 2014 about Ukraine and NATO. Ukraine, Georgia, Finland, Sweden, were given the same warning, and those who crossed the red line, faced Russian invasion. Consistent for the last 2 decades.
Putin's final demand before invasion:
Moscow Times South China Morning Post AlJazeera BBC ABC Australia 3 years ago
Perception is reality. Youll believe what you find to be the most convenient for you. 2 years ago
Why is it convenient for me to believe Russia wants a buffer zone against NATO ? Putin has been making that warning to the West for 15 years. My 'perception' must have a lot of influence on the Kremlin, I guess.
On the other hand, you project your personal wishlist of anti Globohomo etc onto Putin, because its convenient for you. Projection.