Comment on Governor of Texas is owned by the world economic forum 3 years ago
Thank you for posting this. I am a native Texan with family there so I have been following Abbott on satan social media. Over several months I realized this on my own. Its nice to have some validation. Sometimes it really sucks to see all this. I remember when I was ignorant... its true it really is bliss. 3 years ago
Also youll disagree with me but I see it over and over... he bows to Israel. Ill let you fill in the rest. 3 years ago
He's Jewish. And he probably would put the needs of Israel over Texas if it came to it. That is kinda a religious requirement.
That's said I don't think there is usually a conflict of interest between the two.
What made me not like him is
I voted for Allen West. Who's campaign was completely on gab. He made second place I think but Gregg beat him by a huge margin. 3 years ago
I deleted my comment because I can't verify that he's a Jew. Can you offer a source? 3 years ago
Dang I guess I though wrong. I feel Luke I read some where he was Jewish and his wedding pic on Instagram looked like he was wearing a little Jew hat.
I just read somewhere he is catholic. He sure does go to a lot if Jewish events.