Comment on You fucking stupid people 3 years ago
Im so tired of the lies. Today at the office I heard a guy ranting about Russians raping Ukrainian women and children. I really doubt this is true. So many lies. I cant believe anything anymore. 3 years ago
I am on the side of innocent people who are getting invaded. I think Putin, Biden, Zelensky and all politicians involved can go to hell.
But, I hate the "pro war" propaganda from the Left pushing US and NATO into the war. Fuck them. They provoked Russia and started this mess. 3 years ago
Putin has no cboice. Hes being attacked and surrounded by NATO homoglobo scum. Hes taking initiative. Hes a fucking based chad. 3 years ago
There has to be differentiation between "Putin" and "Russians". Those two are not aligned. Putin and the Belarusian President started as popular democratic candidates, then took out opponents and corrupted elections over decades. Both still have supporters, but its a minority. Freedom is low and corruption is high in both countries. Talk to Russians and Belarusians to get a better, non mainstream media filtered view on this.
Yes, Putin made the choice to protect Russia from NATO. His strategy is based on his time as a KGB agent in the Cold War. But this isn't 1980, and there was no threat of direct war with NATO. As Trump pointed out, NATO had destroyed its military, spending nothing on defense, appointing woke women as defence ministers etc. Germany's female ex-defense minister said this month, they had no working submarines or transport planes.
Do Russians support sending their children to be "conscripted", i.e. forced to fight in this war ? What is Pro-Ukraine propaganda in this, and how eager are Russians ? Hard to say. Would an ordinary parent in any other country agree to such a deal, to have their children be forced into war ?
Lastly, regarding Homoglobo scum. Putin doesn't know woke culture. He famously doesn't care for internet, and works old school. Conservatives would like that he takes out the Global elite, Wokes, NWO etc, but its wishful thinking. He wants Ukraine to be a buffer against NATO. That's all. 3 years ago
Im so glad you can speak for Putin. Are you his personal press secretary?