Comment on Apps that encourage/gamify walking? 7 months ago
My wife and I have been playing Pikmin Boom lately. It’s from the same company as Pokemon Go, but focuses a lot more on the actual walking - there are battles kinda like gyms (mushrooms), but you don’t need to hang around them at all (if you can see it on the map you can join) and you can even be invited to remote ones from friends. The other important points of interest - that are kinda like pokestops - are called “big flowers” and they require walking around them* to activate them, standing there won’t do much.
There are tasks to complete for events or leveling up which directly require certain numbers of steps or indirectly require certain distance traveled at walking speed*
(*it’s a little more involved but that’s the high level overview) 7 months ago
Seconded for Pikmin Bloom. it really his am walking app as much as much as it is a game. I like Pokemon Go and Ingress too (from the same company), but this is the lightest weight, cutest, and most suited to being able to put it away during your walk if you want.