@games Byte the Bullet
A 2D platformer that I classify as the comfort food of the retro gamer:
Tight controls, lots of references, a great degree of polish, and some tricks to make it unique.
However, one thing bringing it down and something I loathe about this type of games in general is the artificial difficulty: you can't shoot upwards or in diagonal, and you can't even duck, it would have been appreciated in the Castlevania style sequence
I hope the devs improve it for the release
ItalianSkeletonGaming@mastodon.social 8 months ago
@games Edge of Sanity
One genre that I can't get into no matter what are survival horrors, I like to murder stuff, and the idea of hiding until the scary thing goes away is unappealing to me.
Every time a game like this comes out, I try to figure out whether it's a survival horror with action elements, or an action game with survival elements.
Unfortunately for me, with its camp management, resource scavenging, and too strong creatures to overcome, this game belongs to the former category
ItalianSkeletonGaming@mastodon.social 8 months ago
@games Technotopia
City-builder card game with an interesting premise, you are an AI created to manage a city for the betterment of its citizens, having to balance your resources so that none goes into the negatives, dealing with various dilemmas of the residents, lest you lose.
However, requires better pacing for the time being, with a smaller area to deal with at the start, I will definitely retry the demo on another fest if I get notice of significant improvements on this front
ItalianSkeletonGaming@mastodon.social 8 months ago
@games Warcana
Half pseudo-turn based Tower defense, half autobattler/deck builder, with the caveat being that opposite armies go directly for the enemy base, not each other.
The spectacles are great, the sprite work is fantastic, the UI is a bit of a mess, why would you put your resource display on the right side of the screen instead of on top, and the gameplay needs to involve the player more during the action, not just limited to casting spells.
It could be good, but needs more mechanics.
ItalianSkeletonGaming@mastodon.social 8 months ago
@games Wild Bastards
Procedurally generated FPS, from the creators of Void Bastards
The neon/cowboy/scifi setting works, the shooting is way slower paced than I imagined, the unique abilities for the characters are interesting, and the fact that you're constantly chased and need to pick your battles carefully gives a nice tension to the whole.
The demo definitely left me wanting to know more about this project, I'll take a good look at it in the months before its release