Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months agoShe did in fact say that and your link doesn’t refute that.
Come now. She very clearly denies saying it in the interview I linked to:
Several reviewers accused you of saying that all intercourse was rape. I haven’t found a hint of that anywhere in the book. Is that what you are saying?
Andrea Dworkin: No, I wasn’t saying that and I didn’t say that, then or ever.
If you want to claim she’s lying about her own statements, find me a direct quote of her saying it. 8 months ago
She did say it’s degrading and a form of contempt inflicting by men on women. In the context of the books it’s not at all unreasonable to interpret it as rape.
Regardless it DOES posit male sexuality and violence and degragation of women when it is expressesed.
Regardless that’s her influence even if unintentional and it’s all over media and culture.