Comment on Question for software developers: how do you organize your To Do list at work? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I use todo.txt format, created my own cli

I set up tasks with priorities:

I make sure all my tasks have a +ProjectName and if i have to deal with a @SpecificService or @EmployeeName i note that. I will also add in things like jira:StoryNumber or other data.

Due dates are rare, only when there is a hard stop. End of a sprint is not a hard stop. If i need to remind someone I’ll use due date and @Reminder

100% of the time all tasks go in my list. Nothing is left for me to remember. It goes into my list before it ends up in a Jira ticket or Conflience page. Remind me first, everyone else second.

First thing in the morning i process my list. Move tasks to A. End of the week at the end of the month I delete all the D tasks.

As for notes, i use vimwiki with automation to compile into html when files are written. I’ve also setup coworkers with an automated process using pandoc to go from markdown to html. Then i have a little a bookmark on my browser to pull it all up nice and pretty. I’ll post the scripts later, not at my computer.

Daily diary entry made every morning when i do my todo list prep, entry for each meeting. Add notes dueing meetings and links or other details when looking for solutions to problems.
