Comment on How common is it for atheists to be against homosexuality/abortion?

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

That's not how medical procedures work. You don't get to go to the doctor and request whatever legal procedure you require on a whim. It's a decision made between a doctor and patient, without the government involved. AT ANY STAGE. That is the point.

Besides, do you really think someone is going to go through 8 months of pregnancy just to abort for funsies? That is "planned parenthood turns fetuses into chicken nuggets" level of delusion. You are really underestimating the physical toll taken on the body by pregnancy.

If someone got to 8 months, and they go to their doctor and discover the fetus is going to be born only to suffer and die in their arms, the government should have 0 say on how that medical decision is handled. Which is what late term abortions actually are.
