Romeo and Juliet laws. A 20 year old cant have sex with a 13 yo and get away with it.
Oh so you don’t notice that those values contradict each other? 8 months ago 8 months ago
You’re correct, the consent age of 13 is with the provision of someone else of the same or older age consenting.
Even still, the full age of consent in some states can range from 14-16. Not much better. 9 months ago
What if in some one else’s culture they think its fine to murder people who sleep with 12 year olds? 8 months ago
I think that’s called western culture which I’ve been told is very bad. 9 months ago
If that were true that’s fucking horrible, but I don’t see what your point is?
All I said was the previous comment’s points contradict each other, and that the US has current laws that are also horrible.