Comment on Not FC but probably true 2 years agoOn 3rd Reich as you mentioned lot of supporting factors. My personal thesis is food shortage/fertilizer put a lot of pressure. Germany's fertilizer was used up in WW1 for bombs, and they just started Haber process to make ammonia, i.e. instead of looking for natural Guano. UA is partly about energy, since the West listened to Greta and shut down production, but NATO played a big part, as did a weak leader in Biden. Russia saw what happened in Afg last year.
RE: Capitalism. For all its many flaws, its the best system we have compared to alternatives. Same with democracy.
RE: " India with large populations and stark hierarchies, where rights culture has no traction " India is very mixed. You have holdouts from the caste system, but mostly today its a class divide, rich vs middle vs poor. Rights culture has HUGE traction in India. Feminism is huge in parts, while patriarchy is huge in others like villages. Same with other minority rights. Rights culture has 50-50 split in the country, and the propaganda is just as bad as US
RE: Invasions. Yeah they did that with Iraq and Libya. I think the returns were not as high as they expected, at the same time as Shale boom happened. But they will do that again eventually once they get desperate. 2 years ago
Capitalism was replaced by Creditism decades ago. Capitalism is what predominated in the 18th and 19th centuries with landowners and robber barons.
Before money was predominately created by magicking credit/debt into existence, which is 98% of what goes on today, resulting in unsustainable debt.
The civil war in Ukraine has been rumbling on in one form or another since Russia lost its previous client leader there. The disintegration of Ukraine seems likely.
I am in Asia, and I don't see much sign of traction for rights/woke culture, maybe superficially in parts of developed urban enclaves, but corruption dominates. 2 years ago
Credit is voluntary. Live within your means. For mortgage it makes sense if rates are low and house prices not artificially high. Get a safe long term investment portfolio and keep the difference in rates. Repayments are cheaper than rent and you save a lot. Worst case, sell the house. Done properly you are in the black. If there is dishonesty, your paper value is less than real value. That's Risk. Ooga has tried to cheat Booga since the dawn of time. A fool and his gold.
Urban India is woke, women's rights there progressed into degeneracy like in the west. Rural areas very traditional, with honor killings and such. 2 years ago
Credit is not voluntary, every unit of currency in existence is a credit note. It's not a slice of gold, its a contract, a promise, an iou, that's its only value.
Urban India is not woke. 2 years ago
Transfer to hard assets. Balanced portfolio has hard assets, esp during uncertainity. I put my savings in housing, my gf into Gold and a stock portfolio. We keep liquidity of a few thousand $ in fiat. I don't trust fiat very much.
Urban India was woke decades ago. Women are "goddess", and have celebrations for them. In rural areas this is balanced by sons inheriting land etc and earning much more. In cities, women make more than men generally. My cousin sister got a guy fired, because he sent her 1 drunk sext, and then apologised. She was going to get him arrested. Accusation from a woman is enough for months or years in prison. Courts are backed up, and will always believe women over men. FWIW, when she did that, I broke all ties with her. Its disgusting that women behave this way, supported by White Knights that India is filled with.