Comment on Th.. th... they/them/that's all folks 1 year agoThen stop teaching kids about biology, cancer treatment, antidepressants, anti conception or going even further don’t teach them about nuclear weapons, bleach, cyanide, guns, knives. In your logic, kids will definitely want to end their bloodline when learning about the fact that people are allowed to be gay or transgender. You also think kids will shoot up schools because of video games? Surprise surprise, guns, healthcare and climate change will end your precious inbred bloodlines mate, not homosexuality or transgenderism. 1 year ago
Why would I stop teaching it? It has nothing to do with the previous conversation.
Why would I stop teaching it? It has nothing to do with the previous conversation.
I’ll be happy to stop teaching about them. Few exercises will stop depression really fast.
Why would I stop teaching it? It has nothing to do with the previous conversation.
Why would I stop teaching it? It has nothing to do with the previous conversation.
Why would I stop teaching it? It has nothing to do with the previous conversation.
Nothing has been put in place to stop kids from taking chemicals that permanently castrate them
No, never said that. I even played a bit of CS:GO before checking my phone and seeing that you have responed to my comment.
Yes, if they are in the hands of mentally unstable people
How does taking care for your health going to end your bloodline?
Doesn’t exist 1 year ago
I hope you die before you spread. 1 year ago
I hope you are alive so I can contact you. 1 year ago
You’ll be dead from a heat wave or flooding in 20 years