Comment on a very emphatic answer 9 months agoYou are adding more rules
I’m stating the existing rules.
If all that matters is higher orders first
I don’t even know what you mean by that. We have the acronyms as a reminder of the rules, as I already said.
I know operators apply to the numbers to their right.
If you know that then how did you get 2-2+2=-2?
With 2/22, you don’t know if it is 22/2, or 2/(2*2)
Yes you do - left associativity. i.e. there’s no brackets.
When you are dividing by numbers, you put them all in the denominator
Only the first term following a division goes in the denominator - left associativity.
BY CONVENTION, as I said. You don’t have to repeat what I said a second time.
I didn’t. You said it was a convention, and I corrected you that it’s a rule.
It’s not like you could have tried in your head different orders to combine 3 numbers.
addition first
subtraction first
left to right
3 different orders, all the same answer