Comment on higher wages for the servers... by the customers. Fnbs ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Found it by the “helens shazzy” I don’t live in LA so everything I see is based solely on the website.

It seems by their website that fee is ONLY mentioned on the wine page (not sure if that means it’s hidden or exclusive fee to wine buyers) where they also charge a $50 corkage fee (most normal restaurants are 20-40), and also stock rotates “so frequently we can’t maintain an updated list” which seems silly, but maybe stock at all 3 locations changes often enough that this really would would be a pain. The restaurant itself is…all over the place. Italian, and breakfast foods? But also there’s Helen’s Winery attached? And they have “pizza classes” for $650? Idk they have several “sister” type restaurants that are either owned by the same owner or its some kind of franchising thing, but they’re all equally VERY expensive for the food you get. Very upscale. For example [buttermilk pancakes, salted butter, maple syrup 16.25] compared to IHOP “chicken and pancakes” for $14 where you get not just 2 pancakes and butter, but 2 drumsticks.

For those wondering these are indeed all full dishes, in LA where everything costs more. Overall 0/10 I wouldn’t eat here based on all this above, before even being infuriated by the “we pass the bill to you” bullshit
