Comment on Glenn Greenwald and Alan Dershowitz Debate Bombing Iran [01:51:12 | May 24 24 | ReasonTV] 8 months agoNo, they were not a “small percentage” of individuals that got violent. Nice try.
They were there expressly there to stop the count of the electoral votes cast while Trump and his cronies orchestrated false slate of electors at the ready to replace the votes in several states. Also, let me repeat, because I don’t think it’s sinking in: These were not some disenfranchised activists on a random protest. They were there on the most important day of the year during the most critical part of the electoral process: the peaceful transfer of power. During this whole time, Trump resisted calling in the national guard so that his false slate of electors could pass through and overturn the vote. That’s who Glenn is defending.
I’m not engaging any more with your walls of text. No one gives a fuck if you’re a revolutionary. It’s clear you’re here with some kind of agenda because your rambling is not addressing any of the points I’m making and you seem more interested in giving a speech. 8 months ago
It seems to me that you are just following everything the propaganda machine is pushing out.
Do not forget to be crticial and to question legacy media talking points.
We need to keep remembering how legacy media pushed Oct. 07 talking points, only until independent journalists debunked it, then people started to question and become more criticial thinkers, which benefits humanity.
I would suggest to see what other independent jouarnalists had to say about Jan 06; aside from just reading, the status quo narrative pushed by our politicians, owner class. 8 months ago
It seems to me you are unable to engage with anything I’m saying so you keep repeating about media obfuscation.
Lucky for us, we have evidence of all this: Voice calls, memos, and transcripts. Seems to me you are quite clueless about what you are talking about and are happy repeating what you hear. 8 months ago
Well, there is a reason the populist and many of us have lost trust on media, the distrust keeps increasing instead of decreasing as time goes on and legacy media keeps doing what they do best.
It would be awesome if you could make some time to watch this debate, increasing the speed or reading transcipts is an option as well or download and listen to go the go (I use an apk(app) that lets me do that for free), I prefer seeing the facial cues and emotion heard when people talk/debate/discuss:
Munk Debate - Mainstream Media ft. Douglas Murray, Matt Taibbi, Malcolm Gladwell, Michelle Goldberg [01:40:24 | Dec 08 22 | Truthspeak]
I thought it was a great debate, but they should have found better people for the CON side; to me, it is an endeavour that will result in failure, but compelling points can still be made, so as to make us question and critic our way of thinking and the way we view the world.
I am not the biggest fan of Douglas Murray, but he debated well with his points.
I now plan to make some time to rewatch it again, hahaha
Thank you for engaging in a discussion with me!
I am stubborn and hard heading on topics that interest me a lot, and I know I may hold the wrong views, but I know as time passes I may keep learning and talking with people so as to realign my views on certain topics!
Have an awesome day and wish you the best!