Comment on Massive issues with sleep and desperate for a solution. 8 months ago
I have had frequent problems with sleep too. Due to trauma I have no memories up that come up when I’m about to sleep.
Suggestion from me is fine a good therapist, not for medication but to understand why exactly ots happening, if it’s physical or mental. It’s ok and completely understandable to deal a therapist and talk to your doctor more to not try to necessarily solve it. But to figure why it happing in the first place.
Get a therapist that doesn’t try to fix you or try to make you fit into mold. Therapist are supposed to help you discover things about yourself and understand your self better.
This is from my decade’s long experience with mental and physical health problems. 8 months ago
As a pessimistic introvert who generally avoids people at all costs, it seems so against my grain. But what I’ve been doing has obviously not been working. Hoping I can find someone genuine out there. 8 months ago
I love that some douche downvoted this. What a miserable slob you’d need to be.