9 months ago
I bought during the height of the housing frenzy in Canada in 2021. Putting any condition on the sale meant that you wouldn't get the house. I found a few issues but took the chance anyways. As soon as the sale went through, I got an inspector in to check out everything I found. I got lucky for the most part, but there were a few things that he found that I didn't. It's better to know these things and plan for them than to be oblivious.
Get the inspection. It's not weird at all. They are all aware of the current situation. 9 months ago
our inspection saved us money. they found a crack in the outdoor tiling sealant that was retaining water. we spent $200 on their services, but their report helped us regotiate $5000 off our initial offer, which we had repaired for ~$500. for anybody tossing it up, it's a no-brainer. 9 months ago
I saved 50k on my house because some private company was hired to do an inspection and they noted a 40 page report with all sorts of shit that wasn’t really important.
Nobody wanted to buy it after that. Luckily I build houses so I know what to look for and cut him a deal to get rid of it. Aside from having an electrician come in to double check all the aluminum wiring connections (and making plans to replace the aluminium wires), not one thing in those 40 pages should have affected the price of the house. 9 months ago
Oh they definitely liked list absolutely everything.
When I bought my house the only thing really on the report that was worth worrying about was the hole in the roof which I already knew about.
Everything else was basically along the lines of, the electrics are a bit old and not the current standard, or the guttering is rotted and needs replacing.
All things that definitely need looking at in the due course of time, but can be ignored for at least a couple of years.