Comment on Mail Call: Kobar 7 Day Set 5 months agoHere’s some information I found about the ERNs:
Carl Friedrich Ern founded razor company in 1873 in Wald-Solingen and became biggest razors maker with its famous Hexe machine with permit to ground both sides of razor blade
The company was founded in 1873, registrated December, 4 1874 and first located in Solingen-Wald from 1922 and at Kanalstrasse 43 in 1939. The Ern family were razor-grinders and Carl Friedrich took over his fathers company. As many of Solingen grinders, thes honed razors for other companies to. E.g. In 1860 Nathaniel Ern only ground and honed razors for Henckels, but soon began to make their own razors. Nathaniel taught his son Carl to do the job - at that time there were 20 workers and seven masters. Singing and talking during work were forbidden, drinking never allowed. The company moved to Wald (to Wittekulle), an outlying district of Solingen, in 1876.
In 1893 they introduced the ‘Hexe’ machine (double wheel hollow grinder) to hollow-grind razors, said to be a benefit to all razor makers.
The eagle and snake was used from 1874 by C. Friedrich ERN & Co. until it was superseded in 1896 with the more familiar crown and sword
C. Friedrich Ern Solingen-Wald: Kanalstrasse 43 in 1939. Brand names: ‘America Del Sur’ (1913), ‘Army and Navy’ (1899), ‘Ator’ (1903), ‘A.V. Humboldt’ (1920s?), ‘Balance Perfecto’ (1921), ‘Bank’ (1917), ‘Bar’ (1908), ‘Barbersone’ (1928?), ‘Barbers Pet’(1898), ‘Barden’ (1909), ‘Bessimar’, ‘Borden’ (1912), ‘Bur’ (1910), ‘Crown and Sword’ (1920), ‘Cuba’ (1913), ‘Electro Taban Magnetic’ (1907), ‘Enwer’ (1908), ‘Ern’ (1896, 1917 and 1923), ‘Ern 1166’ (1922), ‘Ern A-Z’ (1910), ‘Ern-Blaauwappen’, ‘Ernette’ (1932?), ‘Ern-Goldwappen’, ‘Ern-Grünwappen’, ‘Ern Junior’ (1913), ‘Ernovo’, ‘Ern-Silberwappen’, ‘Es-Ex Razor’ (1912), ‘Farwood’ (1914), ‘Flaggen’ (1913), ‘Generale Ameglio’ (1913), ‘Gong Razor’ Extra Hollow Ground’ (1912), ‘Janissaire’ (1914), ‘Junk’, ‘Justrite’ (1907), ‘Ka Ci Be’ (1914), ‘King George’ (1910), ‘Knight Commander of the Bath’ (1914), ‘Kuroki’ (1905), ‘Laborista’, ‘Le Mondain’ (1907), ‘Lerne, Leiste…’ (1921), ‘Liliput’ (1914), ‘Little Dorrit’ (1907), ‘Master of Arts’ (1914), ‘Master of Science’ (1914), ‘Mickiewicz’ (1912), ‘Moustafa Kemal Pascha’ (1923), ‘Niazi’ (1908), ‘Nodzu’ (1905), ‘Oyama’ (1905), ‘Palmerston’ (1908), ‘Peer’, ‘Persian’ (1923), ‘Platypus’ (1899), ‘Primus’ (1903), ‘Protector’ (1897), ‘Püt’ (1913), ‘Raccoon’, ‘Roosevelt’ (1907), ‘Roosevelt Razor’ (1914), ‘Sim-Mart’, ‘Ski’ (1910), ‘Strandbad’ (1916), ‘Suneo’, ‘The Boss Reg.’ (1925), ‘The Crown and Sword Razor’ (1908), ‘The Kid’, ‘The Michaelin’ (1914), ‘The Mussel Razor’ (1913), ‘Turban’ (1923), ‘Waldern’ (1911), ‘Waldoo’ (1908), ‘Wee Macgreggor’, ‘Zeibek’ (1914), ‘Zepp.’ (1910). Open-blade razor maker.
C.R. Ern Sohn Nachf. Solingen-Weyer in 1925. Open-blade razor maker.
Friedrich Ern & Co. Solingen-Weyer: Weyerstrasse 196 in 1939. Brand names: ‘Commodus’ (1911), ‘Damokles’ (1911), ‘Doppeladler’, ‘Ern & Cie’ (1908/9), ‘Ern & Co.’ (1908), ‘Friedrich Ern & Co. Weyer-Solingen’ (1924), ‘Kobold’ (1918), ‘Newton’ (1910), ‘Ost’ (1907), ‘Sprock’ (1895), ‘The Sir Isaac Newton’ (1911), ‘Vim’ (1907), ‘Weltbrand’ (1916). Open-blade razor maker. 5 months ago
Thank you!! I’ll see what I can do to identify those two razors. 5 months ago
Hope it helps, my friend! If you want to send me more detailed pics, I can dig further.