Comment on If you've ever wanted to know what Open Source Software is and why it's important to our hobby, here's some of my thoughts.

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The reason I added the cfp was to show that it is not a pure technical conference like FOSDEM or GRCON. We added a non-technical part and did that on purpose. In a way, our goal is to try to start a discussion on “how do we see the amateurradio in the post-dinosaur era?”

Looking at a distance, we see a number of different evolutions:

So, in essence, we kind-of see a return of amateurradio to a ‘I-want-to-know-how-it-works / experimenter / challenges’ hobby, probably by the evolution of radio-technology and the ‘competion’ with other scienfic and technical hobbies. In my personal opinion, that is surely a good thing.

But, to get there, there are -as I see it- two big issues:

To return to your call for opensource firmware for radios, having access to the source-code is one thing, but actually understanding it and having the knowledge to modify or enhance it does require quite different knowledge that ‘standard’ analog electronics. You need knowledge of SDR and signal-processing techniques -which are much more based on math that standard electronics- plus possibly some HDL to program the FPGA and C/C++/rust for the RTOS that runs on the microcontroller inside the FPGA. Modern radio-communication equipement requires a much larger scale of knowledge then the radio-technology of 20 to 30 years ago that is the basis of the amateurradio exams (and hence courses).

Now, I see two ways to fix this:

  1. Work on the knowledge-level of the amateurradio community by new and better courses that include modern radio-technology.
  2. Pull in people from communities (see point 2 above) into amateurradio.

When I am at an infostand on amateurradio at -say- FOSDEM or a Makerfaire, or you meet somebody at a infosecurity conference, the most difficult question you usually have is this: “wauw. That amateurradio hobby does look interesting. How do I begin? Where do I need to go?”

I’ve had people at FOSDEM who said “I once went to the local radioclub in my city as I wanted some help on setting up a mesh network in my cities, so I thought that the radioamateur guys might be able to help me. There where just some old men and the only reply I got was that that is no real radio”. I’ve come to a point where I sometimes advice people to go to their local hackerspace and see if there are no hams overthere, instead of sending them to a radioclub.

As said, there are now these communities inside the amateurradio hobby who kind-of operate next to the local clubs, but in the end, you do still need a club for certain things -like courses, or doing an exam- and being in a local club does also include things like a local fieldday or taking part in a contest or so.

Europe has the advantage -compaired to Australie- of having a larger population concentrated in a smaller area. For us, a conference is a good option to try to advance the hobby that way. I guess that, in the end, everybody has to find out what he/she can do.

73 kristoff - ON1ARF
