Comment on The Weekly Discussion Topic - FPS Games - 11-08-2023 ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

If I had to pick a favorite FPS... It'd have to be the combination of the Bungie developed Halo games. The story may not always knock it out of the park, but even upon Halo CE's release the art design, world building, and slower paced mechanical leaning was unique and unparalleled in its execution.

I'll always be able to go back and play those games. The mix of ballistic and sci Fi weaponry kept things interesting and options varied. The high time to kill for both the player and enemies made experimentation easier and more rewarding. The enemy AI that never seemed to settle on trying the same strategy twice was the cherry on top that made discussing Halo's "combat sandbox" a household topic in the mouths of video game enthusiasts.

Of all the games that claim a difficulty level that the game was designed for, Halo's Heroic mode will always truly feel like what Halo was meant for. Challenging, but loose enough that you could mix up your loadout and approach, and make up the imperfections of your plan on the backend through execution. Absolutely an experience where I can say it is fun to lose, because there's always another cleverly intriguing idea for you to try and solve the combat puzzle with.

And a final shout-out to Bungie for creating some of the only games where it really feels like you're right at home with a controller in hand. Many shooters can feel pretty good with a controller, but only Halo's deliberate pace and seamless bullet magnetism make the walls melt away between the imprecision of joystick aiming and my mechanical intent.

And the online community these games bred is its own whole set of five paragraphs I won't type now. Hats off to Halo.
