Straight cash only. Gift cards are a scam. An interest-free loan to the company selling them, which they only have to pay back when the card is used, or never if it isn’t used in time, and the recipient doesn’t get a choice where to spend it nor put it towards anything they’re saving up for.
My heart used to sink every time I got a gift card, requiring me to be organised enough to keep it safe and remember to take it with me into town. Worst present ever. Sorry.
*I’m sure there are exceptions, if you know the person well enough. But if you don’t know what to buy them, you probably don’t know them well enough. And you’re still giving scammers an interest-free loan. 1 year ago
Straight cash only. Gift cards are a scam. An interest-free loan to the company selling them, which they only have to pay back when the card is used, or never if it isn’t used in time, and the recipient doesn’t get a choice where to spend it nor put it towards anything they’re saving up for.
My heart used to sink every time I got a gift card, requiring me to be organised enough to keep it safe and remember to take it with me into town. Worst present ever. Sorry.
*I’m sure there are exceptions, if you know the person well enough. But if you don’t know what to buy them, you probably don’t know them well enough. And you’re still giving scammers an interest-free loan.