Comment on [deleted]

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I have definetely witnessed trans people being attacked, both verbally and physically. Try and see how long you can walk around as a man in a dress before someone spits at you.

And why would they have to keep their sexuality private, what’s the harm in not doing so? Cis people are usually quite open about their sexuality and noone seems to mind.

“The last several shooters have been either non-binary or trans or some other gender dysphoric person.” Do you have any sources for that claim? I couln’t find any such thing on here:…/mass-shootings?sort=… Date

Also, noone is forcing you to call anyone by any specific pronoun, its just a sign of respect to choose the right one. I’m pretty sure being misgendered annoys many cis people too.

About the child grooming: I couldn’t find any credible source indicating this would be a bigger issue for trans people than for cis people, so what exactly are you referring to?

The last paragraph is just ridiculous. Above you complain that “trans rights” implies torture, slavery and genocide. Then suddenly having to call someone by their pronoun is trans “tyranny”, which by definition would mean torture, slavery and genocide, the hypocrisy 😂 FYI, being limited in your right to treat trans people any way you want does not constitute a tyranny.
