Comment on Saturday SOTD Thread - April 27th, 2024 ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

April 27, 2024

2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

PasteurVision is another soap that I purchased at the Maggard Meetup. Another winner for me. I think if you like Amber Bomba (I’m lookin’ at you @whosgotthepudding ), you’ll love this one. I don’t have the splash. El Dorado complements it nicely, though.

This shave was a test shave and the results were just great. The razor belongs to u/VisceralWatch and it came back for honing because the edge has never been quite right. We thought that maybe, during restoration, someone overheated the edge and changed the temper there. I think this might have happened. Sometimes these problems will only reside at the very edge of a blade. With this sharpening, I think we have honed through the bad metal and are now into the good stuff. I made a video of the sharpening. Naturally, the final verdict remains with Mr. Watch.
