Comment on When you want to be Meta, but you just a Beta 2 years ago“covid modelling is bad therefore climate change modelling is bad”
I am not saying researchers are incapable of ethical modelling. I am pointing out the intense corruption in the past 2 years, where SAGE modellers presented whatever the govt required to justify their insane decisions.
In "Climate science", there are 2 truths 1) The only "data" is the past. Everyone agrees on last 50 years temperatures and rise of ~1C. 2) All govt actions are based on extending trend line for the next 100 years. This is foolish. Even if we throw the world's GDP into climate modelling, you cannot account for the infinite complexities of our planet. Modelling is not "data". Its plugging a limited number of variables into an equation and hoping it simulates "everything" - horseshit
Not even getting into the predicted effects of a 1 - 2C increase, because that is all delusions 2 years ago
All that is true, but it is not insane to imagine that increasing the numbers of orofices on the planet, or excessively using plastics, won't have deleterious effects. 2 years ago
You won't find anyone who disagrees with you on this. Nobody in their right mind wants to trash the planet.
The problem is that this has been turned into a circus, just like Covid, where media, activists and politicians are creating a panic and using it to rush through all kinds of insane policies that will hurt only the poor. 2 years ago
You can trace it all back to the broken financial system, the Eurodollar syatem of offshore dollars, created by the UK with the US to accommodate the dollars of communist China and the USSR to facilitate international trade and avoid the Triffin dilemma. The current extended collapse is the cost of the Cold War.- 2 years ago
Yeah you are right. This house of cards that we've built up over decades.... some day the bill will come due, and it will collapse painfully.
Bitcoin looks like it will hasten it. No more indirect taxation via money printing.