if you get bored with amateur radio, you're doing it wrong.
if your club sucks, contribute and make it better!
Comment on Regaining interest in amateur radio
K0STK@lemmy.radio 10 months ago
Amateur Radio is a niche hobby full of niches; most of them require a radio. Here’s one list of things you can do with/in Amateur Radio:
🔗 hamradiofornontechies.com/what-can-i-do-with-ham-…
Clubs are highly overrated. They are only beneficial if your interests in Amateur Radio coincide with a sizable segment of the club membership or with the club’s purpose. In my case our club is `primarily a social outlet for disheveled old folks who are only interested in DXing and contests; not my cup of tea.
if you get bored with amateur radio, you're doing it wrong.
if your club sucks, contribute and make it better!
if your club sucks, contribute and make it better!
That’s an idiotic, and more than a little bit insulting, kneejerk response.
You have no idea what I do for my club.
GadgeteerZA@beehaw.org 10 months ago
I’d second that amateur radio is way more than just chatting. There are so many digital modes, SDR, etc that can be explored. May be worth getting a mobile rig that can be pulled out and used in the QTH as well.
As a ham I’m helping right now to establish a backbone of Meshtastic radios across our city. It’s not ham radio, but it is something I can use my ham experience to build out and support others.
Personally I’ve been enjoying VarAc on HF for long range comms on low power, but I see they just standardised on some 2m and 70cm frequencies too, which I still want to try out.