Comment on Wilko collapses into administration putting 12,000 jobs at risk

<- View Parent ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I think they mean Woolworths.

Fun story...

Plymouth's Woolworths was the largest in the country with the largest revenue (and profit). For 5 years it had no regional manager because no one from head office wanted to trek that far. As a result it was completely ignored and not refitted or supported.

During that period head office made us all do an employee survey. One of the questions was "Do you think Woolworths will still be here in 5 years". The store manager got shouted at because our store of 100 all said "no".

After much consideration we were all made to redo the questionaire, this time without the question.

Just as I left a regional manager was appointed who dictated floor layout changes. Being months from finishing university I told him his changes defied how shoppers acted and would cost the store thousands. He told me I was just a shop worker and knew nothing.

A week later on daily revenue of £10k-£20k (Saturday was £100k) the store was down £50k for the week. Apparently he forced more changes and it got worse.

Everyone I talk to in retail has similar stories, all of it is terribly managed.
