Comment on The Eurobean Mind Cannot Comprehend 10 months agoEU is still smaller
But the main reason the US can’t handle the same stuff at a federal level that the EU can is population density. The US government can’t afford to nationalize rural healthcare given how rural the US can be–especially with their debt/GDP at the moment. Give it another few hundred years and the US might catch up to Europe in that respect. 10 months ago
I just learned the Faroe Islands is connecting all their islands (Exploring New Road Tunnels and Power Generation in Faroese Islands). Even to islands that only have 500 people living there.
I don’t see why the USA couldn’t increase its railway (hell, you can learn from Japan if it needs to be earthquake resistant) starting today. 10 months ago
That’s fascinating, and I agree with you. Why the US hates the idea of high-speed rail is beyond me, especially because they prided themselves so much on the rail system they put together earlier in their development. In any case, the US can’t do much of anything with its debt-to-GDP as high as it is right now. They can hardly keep from shutting the government down entirely because they won’t even agree to a government budget.