Comment on Foundations of Amateur Radio: Weaving radio into your life. ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I like your perspective, and hope to offer a new facet.

I travel a lot for work, and as a result, we gave up a fixed QTH about four or five years ago. My life is /M or /P. I also noticed in retrospect that I had nearly stopped going to any kind of park or outdoor space; this intensified during the pandemic whilst living in a country which took the lockdowns quite seriously.

When I recognized that my spouse and children were not getting to enjoy the outdoors as much as they should, and I not as much as in my youth, I decided to make portable and mobile ops my radio life. Sure, it won’t always be that way, but I needed to start somewhere. Without a fixed QTH, this leaves portable and mobile ops. My shack is a pelican case and a larger military style backpack. No idea where the soldering iron I just picked up will go.

But I’m happy for it, my spouse seems supportive, and my kids get to touch grass (or sand, as I recently tried to activate White Sands Nat’l Park), and I get to play radio for a portion of that outing.

In short, you’re right, the ops I enjoy are the ones I’ve incorporated into my life, this necessarily includes my spouse and kids. For me, it’s the only way I get to be on air, though sometimes I am a little envious of having a fixed QTH radio shack.
