Comment on I'm glad my meat didn't go to waste. 8 months ago
Honestly, I would love to be eaten after my organs were harvested.
Help people one last time, you know? It’s also symbolic because part of me will live on through them.
#legalizeCannibalism 8 months ago
Prion gang represent 8 months ago
All I’m saying, as a human, is that me and my fellow humans don’t need the nanny state telling us what to do. You should do your own research. Humans don’t need a nanny state telling them they can’t consume uncooked portions of human brains; they should be able to decide for themselves. 8 months ago
Ah. So should we also remove warning labels from things and let people figure it out on their own? 8 months ago
Oh, no. If anything, we should put up more warning labels. Warning labels for scissors, knives, ovens. Just no warning labels for non-cooked meat. After all, food gives us life. How could it be harmful?
Fire burns and destroys valuable nutrients.
Consume the raw meat, human.