Comment on [deleted] ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Republicans know their voter base is slowly dying out. Younger generations tend to vote more and more Democratic. To counter this decline in voter base the Republicans have to increase the number of younger generations that would become Republican voters.

A lot of women who opt for an abortion do so because they aren't ready for a baby. If they suddenly are forced to give birth, they are very likely to be stuck in the lower middle class. Their children are unlikely to go to college. And then the Republicans blame immigrants and other minorities for their struggles. Luring them to vote Republican.

After abortion ban we will see restrictions on birth control, to further increase the number of children born. Next will be restrictions on divorces, forcing families into the lifestyle Republicans want or further increasing the amount of lower middle class people. Who, due to having a child, can't start fighting the system and instead are glad to hold a job. So it's a win-win situation for Republicans.

Also, everyone knows the no-abortion rule doesn't apply to them and only to "others" because their abortion had "reasons" that are "different" from others.

And of course there is the big fear of "white people are being bred out". The fear of white people becoming a minority is very ingrained in Republicans. But the current economic system also relies on a constant increasing population. With birthrates decling the system starts to fail. So the only options are, increase birth rates, allow more immigrants, or change the economic system. Only one option aligns with Republicans.
