@atomicpoet You’ve got me interested in Akkomane. I’d really like to decrease my hosting costs.
I’m currently running Mastodon. Does it have Mastodon-style migration where I can move my followers to another server? 🤞🏻
@atomicpoet You’ve got me interested in Akkomane. I’d really like to decrease my hosting costs.
I’m currently running Mastodon. Does it have Mastodon-style migration where I can move my followers to another server? 🤞🏻
atomicpoet@atomicpoet.org 8 months ago
@leopardboy Yes, it does! I have successfully migrated from firefish.city to atomicpoet.org, which is my Akkomane server.
If you want to test drive Akkomane and see how you like it, feel free to register an account on akkomane.social.
leopardboy@netmonkey.xyz 8 months ago
@atomicpoet Cool, thanks! I will check it out. I'm also curious to see how well Ivory works with it since you mentioned that Mastodon clients ought to be able to work.
atomicpoet@atomicpoet.org 8 months ago
@leopardboy It does not work well with Ivory since Ivory is very insistent about only being compatible with Mastodon.
Other Mastodon clients work, however, including Mastodon’s official client.
leopardboy@netmonkey.xyz 8 months ago
@atomicpoet Ah, good to know. Thanks! I'm not opposed to trying another client.