Isn’t that exactly what the “weight” in searXNG does?
How do you duplicate this feature in SearXNG?…/website-info-personalized-results…
It’s basically the major thing keeping me with Kagi. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Where can I find that setting? I don’t see anything like that anywhere in the UI. If it’s in the config files and not in the UI, that isn’t particularly useful to me. 10 months ago
It’s in the UI on the Engines tab. However, you can only see it there, you still have to use the config file to actually change it, sorry. 10 months ago
Oh, I think this is different to what I’m talking about. Seems like the weight in SearXNG impacts search engines used, where what I’m talking about is in regards to the actual results. So I could prioritize or deprioritize websites which tend to produce good or bad results, block domains, pin favourites, etc. The example I used elsewhere is like having letterboxd results rank higher than IMDB when I search for movies 10 months ago
That seems like a crutch instead of a real feature. I have even just thinking about having to manage that. What if you want info from sites you do not already know about? Seems like finding new things through search is basically dead anymore. 10 months ago
Websites I’ve never heard of come up very frequently. The feature I find highly useful involves a) hiding shitty disinformation websites as I encounter them, or blocking sites like pintrest, and b) elevating results from websites I like, like having letterboxd results rank higher than IMDB when I search for movies or whatEVER.
Being able to customize my own results to favour what I’m actually looking for is *such *a crutch.