Comment on How fatal and painful is it if my belly gets stabbed/ripped open? 11 months ago
Well, I’m not an expert, but I would guess that it depends. If you die, it was fatal, and how long it takes you to die will determine how long you’re in pain. I suppose it’s going to hurt, because you’re not supposed to get stabbed in the belly and ripped open. So as general advice, I would avoid it if possible. 11 months ago
Makes sense. Do you think that my tall height puts my belly in a more vulnerable and exposed position in case of an attack? 11 months ago
That will depend on whether you are standing up, sitting down, or laying on your back stretched out like a cat. 11 months ago
I mean if I am standing up. 11 months ago
I don’t know, man, maybe you could carry around a watermelon or a box of old records around? That way you protect your belly, but it’s like super casual so you blend in. Like “Oh, let’s stab that guy… wait, no, he’s on his way to a barbecue. Can’t be stabbing him, there’s a watermelon in the way.” 11 months ago
Height is generally an advantage as it usually comes with increased reach and strength.
Avoid knives at all costs, but if you can’t use your reach to protect your vital bits until you can get away.