Comment on [Meme] Hope we all had a friend react the same way ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I actually had an opposite reaction - I’m a f2p player and it started really strong. I loved the initial story and how you could have choices (be it how you want to do the story or dialogue choices based on your character’s personality), the world and how it had actual personality through the whole meta event system and heart tasks, crafting, loads of free content - it was great.

However, after reaching level 80, getting personal story finished, crafting exotic armor and weapons I was pretty much out of things to do. I tried PvP and WvW but didn’t particularly enjoy them, though Fractals were quite interesting but got basically completely ruined when me and my duo hit a wall and experienced players were just running through everything with me having to play constant catch up and bosses melting in under a minute.

Now I just occasionally log in to do dailies, maybe do some fractals too to work on some ascended gear (money for 500 crafting + the ascended rings) - that’s pretty much it.
