Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 24th 11 months ago
Horizon Forbidden West, stunning graphics. I find the main character a bit off-putting as she can be a bit arrogant and rude and those are traits I don’t have a lot of patience for, but it really does look good. 11 months ago
How different is it from the predecessor in terms of gameplay? That one felt very derivative, a near carbon copy of the Ubisoft formula. I usually consider those games a guilty pleasure of mine, but HZD felt too repetitive and clunky. It’s a shame, because I really like the setting. 11 months ago
It’s still clunky and repetitive. I didn’t finish Zero Dawn and the more I play Forbidden West the more I feel it likely I won’t finish this either. I think you’re right to make a comparison to Ubisoft. Fine looking games with loads of potential but I suspect fear of bad sales result in bland, generic characters and storylines that are just not engaging. 11 months ago
Companies are deathly afraid of introducing a new main character in the same series, her story was finished in the first one, would have been good as a mentor for a new character. Maybe MGS2 scared the market 11 months ago
I really wish they had; I was playing again today and her character was just being so awful to people. It would be fine to have such a character if over the course of the story she realises she has attachment issues and gradually tries to deal with them throughout the game, but she doesn’t, she just keeps being mean. I have no idea why you would have someone like this as the main character, I have no sympathy for her and the game is not even attempting to get me to empathise or sympathise with her. She’s meeting some really lovely people and I’m getting embarrassed by her behaviour! 😅