Comment on Facebook is banning Trucking groups 3 years ago
Yup. I got suspended in December when I looked for Antivax protest groups. That's how I ended up deleting FB and coming to Wolfballs
Every bad thing has a silver lining :) 3 years ago
I hate that we are called anti vaxers for not wanting one vaccine 3 years ago
Like they say in Aikido... gotta use the enemy's flow against them. Lefties take OUR words like woman, racism, vaccine, etc and redefine it. So, take THEIR words and redefine it.
I embrace the #AntiVa against #Vaxfascists #Vaxstappo
Just like #SuperStraight against #transwomen_are_women
These people have the brains of 4 year olds. You gotta fight at their level, lol 3 years ago
This why you should always call leftwingers "rightwingers", as well as all their other favourite words for "evil". 3 years ago
Yes, that's a totally genius idea ! 3 years ago
Or just realize its just labels and not worry about what they call you. The bully in school only bullies you if it bothers you. 3 years ago
You should never worry about what bullies and psychos call you. I agree.
At the same time, a mob of psychos attacking and corrupting neutral institutions like Wikipedia, Dictionaries, Journalism, Medicine and now Joe Rogan..... yeah, they need to be hit back hard.
No push back means these loudmouths will continue corrupting our society.