You know Biden broke trumps record on oil production, right? The world can’t afford America, Dem or republican.
Comment on Amazon union president knocks Biden: ‘No cavalry coming’ for American workers 9 months agoI absolutely agree, but in this climate any vote swayed from Biden is a danger for the entire planet. I don’t particularly like a two party system, much less a one oarty system. 9 months ago 9 months ago
It’s not just climate at stake, there are basic liberties and some level of worldwide stability that we used to give for granted, which are going to be a thing of the past if Trump goes back to office. 9 months ago
Meh, we’re passed the point of no return. 9 months ago
I don’t believe it, that’s my point. The point of no return is getting trump back 9 months ago
Biden is swaying voters against himself, by himself. Calling him out on his bullshit and having him change is what energizes the base. Don’t want Trump? Force Biden’s hand.