Comment on Focus your attention, part of the world becomes sharper and brighter, another part fades away and disappears. With habit even the focusing becomes invisible. How much has disappeared? ⁨6⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Everything disappears. What remains is that I am the universe, as are you, as are my cats, and everyone else, all alike, all a version of each other, all one, all with just a momentary lifetime of consciousness, some lucky not being bombed. But most live it being consumed by the dance of work & money & religion & relationships & fashion & pop culture & all of the social dogmas like any of that is what life is all about. When I focus & connect with my humanity, I see that none of it is real, all of it is made up, socially agreed upon, maybe even legally enfocoded depending on situation. What we really really yearn is each other’s company, ie. to ‘connect with the universe’.
