Comment on Is Russia a fascist dictatorship? 1 year ago
Short Answer? Yes. Long answer? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.
Comment on Is Russia a fascist dictatorship? 1 year ago
Short Answer? Yes. Long answer? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. 1 year ago
Forced Conscription. Check. Rigged Elections and kills all opposing candidates. Check. Control of the state media and news outlets. Check. Sounds right to me. 11 months ago
Lol! Conscription is forced by definition.
If this was a definition of fascism the US would qualify as fascist as well.
This was a thing long before Mussolini thought up the word “fascist.”
Again, all states exert control over the media inside the territories they control.
This is not how you go about describing something as fascist.