Comment on How to create a run on groceries and everyday items, ft. Muriel Bowser

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

I guess you have ready to eat stuff. I don't have storage capacity atm, so my stock is more dense stuff that needs cooking: rice, potatoes, flour.

My big worry is if power fails for a long time. I have portable gas supply, coal and firewood. I think I could cook for maybe 4 months or so without power.

I am thinking about getting a small DC motor/inverter + battery setup to hook up to a bicycle to generate ~400Wh of electricity per day.... as a last resort.

I think I am worrying too much. Even if there is a nuclear winter, coal/nuclear/hydro should still provide a minimum electricity to people, enough for eating.

Never hurts to be prepared though.
