Comment on Why are so many countries in the world “developing” and poor, while essentially only Western countries have a high standard of living? ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I think it is because of population vs resources allocated per person. More population means lesser value of each person. When a nation is developing it is still trying to catch up with the high number of population it can service, but with little resource it can utilize or there is but not yet utilize. It has no choice but to cut corners I.e lower standard of education, health, social services, housing and unutilize laws. This in turn having some or majority of the people recieving less and some none at all. This makes them vulnerable to bad influence and bad decision e.i vote buying, rebellion. They cannot participate in the nation building process in a right mind since they are trying to survive. Anyway I’m probably just talking bullshit. To be fair not all Western nations have high standard of living. I.e some nation in eastern Europe.
