Comment on This app lets restaurants and coffee shops charge to use the bathroom 1 year agoThere are plenty of public toilets that charge a small fee. Train stations and airports for example. Also at gas stations it's pretty common. But I have never seen it at a restaurant or bar. Maybe sometimes there's a sign that says it's 50 cents for non-customers or something. But never fir customers. 1 year ago
Yeah, right? That's my experience, too. I feel like outdoor latrines charge like a coin, presumably to keep people from squatting in there, but most places don't even have those. Maybe otherwise people are conflating customer-only toilets with paid toilets? I've never seen a paid toilet in an airport, though, and only once in a train station, and people seemed to be quite pissed about it and using the restaurants' facilities instead. 1 year ago
Munich central train station toilet had donations when I was there in 2012. Money went to charity. It was so clean though that I sat in the cubicle longer than usual before heading out into the hustle and bustle of the streets.