Comment on Post Office under criminal investigation for potential fraud over Horizon scandal 1 year ago
Why only now? This has been common knowledge for years
Comment on Post Office under criminal investigation for potential fraud over Horizon scandal 1 year ago
Why only now? This has been common knowledge for years 1 year ago
They started investigating in early 2020, after Bates vs POL succeeded.
Why no charges have yet been brought, I do not know. But there is an ongoing inquiry (with at least one witness asking for immunity from prosecution). They may need to wait for that to conclude, given the thousands of documents it is wringing out of the Post Office (which is still trying to avoid disclosures).
There’s a fair few judges and lawyers who need to be in the firing line also. Most of these cases should never have been brought, the evidence was not there and all concerned should have known it. And very often did know it. But investigators got bonuses based on recovered monies, so they’d just make a shaky charge of theft and then terrify defendants into pleading to lesser charges and the legal system let them.