Comment on My ex wants me back 1 year agoThere’s different types of marketing.
One type is awareness marketing, which is exactly the type that’s the furthest from “forcing shit down your throat”.
Then later, when you’re searching for something and see their name, your monkey brain will prefer the “familiar” option.
And tbh I do have to disagree with “people will come to you”, it’s really hard to grow if people don’t know you exist. 1 year ago
“And tbh I do have to disagree with “people will come to you”, it’s really hard to grow if people don’t know you exist.”
I’m against the concept of unnecessary growth/metastasis. I prefer homeostasis/equilibrium.
Unless you’re bringing something profoundly superior to what exists to the table, there’s no need for a 76th brand of chicken sandwich. 1 year ago
What about a thing that would actually change your life for some reason?
Would you prefer not knowing about it?
Of course there’s no reason for the 76th brand of chicken sandwich, but that’s also not what I’m talking about at all.
Marketing itself is fine and a healthy tool for growth, showing ads into people’s eyeholes every chance you get is not. 1 year ago
I reiterate, our species is growing/metastasizing itself and it’s habitat into oblivion.
This is a finite world with finite resources, and 3,000 or so assholes have already claimed most of its finite resources at gunpoint and are at this point swallowing one another’s empires whole in their desperation to keep growing/metastasizing on a conquered board.
We can’t grow/metastasize our way out of our species many crises caused by reckless growth/metastasis to begin with, any more than my country can solve its school shooting problem by handing every teacher and student a glock. 1 year ago
So you’re hating on the 3000 assholes who’ve already cornered the market and now you want a world where new companies possibly founded by someone no-as-assholish are doomed to stay unknown and fail?
People will keep choosing what they know, if you don’t allow new players to enter the market, these old massive conglomerates will keep on growing, keep on consuming the competition.
It’s a hyperbole, but only a small one.