Non-human animals share all the traits you value in humans to not inflict pain and death on them. Ability to feel pain, have future goals and desires, build social bonds etc. Choosing to hurt them purely because they’re animals is arbitrary. Would you be fine with someone hurting and then killing and eating someone’s dog just because it falls into your two criteria? Tastes good and causes death and pain to an animal.
I dont want to inflict pain on humans specifically because they are humans. Your desire to not hurt these animals is just as arbitrary as my indifference to their suffering.
My desire to not hurt animals isn’t because they’re animals. Discriminating against non-human animals is just an arbitrary class like discrimimating on race, intelligence, or sexuality etc. It’s more reasonable to choose morally relevant principles like whether or not we should inflict suffering, death, or mass breed their species and propetually deny them of freedom because they can feel pain, they want to live, and they want to be free. There’s no trait that is specifically for humans and not for non-human animals and thus its arbitrary. 1 year ago
Non-human animals share all the traits you value in humans to not inflict pain and death on them. Ability to feel pain, have future goals and desires, build social bonds etc. Choosing to hurt them purely because they’re animals is arbitrary. Would you be fine with someone hurting and then killing and eating someone’s dog just because it falls into your two criteria? Tastes good and causes death and pain to an animal. 1 year ago
I dont want to inflict pain on humans specifically because they are humans. Your desire to not hurt these animals is just as arbitrary as my indifference to their suffering. 1 year ago
My desire to not hurt animals isn’t because they’re animals. Discriminating against non-human animals is just an arbitrary class like discrimimating on race, intelligence, or sexuality etc. It’s more reasonable to choose morally relevant principles like whether or not we should inflict suffering, death, or mass breed their species and propetually deny them of freedom because they can feel pain, they want to live, and they want to be free. There’s no trait that is specifically for humans and not for non-human animals and thus its arbitrary.