Comment on Isn't technically everything open-source? ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Your computers CPU doesn't understand human language or code, so programs are compiled from human-readable programming languages (like C++, Rust, etc.) into binary machine code. Machine code is basically just a bunch of CPU instructions and data that are formatted specifically for your CPU's architecture (depending on if it's x86, ARM, etc.).

Most of the time, when you install a program/app/game, you're only getting the compiled binary in your CPU's machine code, so you couldn't view the original "source code" without going through a complex process called "decompilation".

For something to be considered truly "open source", it not only makes the original source code available to the user, it also publishes that code under a license like the GPL which gives the user certain rights to use, copy, and/or modify the code.
