Comment on Hormones are powerful drugs. Taken by everybody. Creating massive aggresstion, obsession and mental disturbance. What would freedom from its influences look like for a society? An individual? ⁨6⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

What about the individual??

Flat effect no ambition misery? Or creative powerhouse and visionary?

Personal experience: I spent my entire youth and a large portion of my adulthood being amazingly preoccupied with sex, and with a fair amount of aggression towards everyone and everything.

Between testiulcar cancer, many consistent years of antidepressants, and just being old, I am finally feeling relief from those. I don't claim to be a "creative powerhouse and visionary" by any stretch, but I am far from having a flat affect, I'm no more or less ambitious than I was before, and I am decidedly less miserable.

In hindsight, I can see that libido and aggression have always been an obstacle to my reaching my potential. Having built some bad habits over decades, they still are. None of us get to accomplish everything we want, so I'm trying not to fret about it too much.

Overall, as an individual whose life experience has changed from one extreme to the other - whether hormones have anything to do with it or not - I much prefer the current stage in my life to the former.
