so someone else forced you to make the post …
Comment on they removed my post 1 year agothrough no fault of mine. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I was confronted. It could have been exploration. Your choice. 1 year ago
You asked for answers, you received many in-depth intelligent responses from numerous people, then edited your post down just to ridicule those answers. It’s all on you, bud. 1 year ago
the same shallow, conventional arguments over and over. You people, you live in a box. 1 year ago
Noted: more whining from the idiot.
If your dumb ass hadn’t changed the content of the post, it may have not been deleted.
But you did do that, specifically to ridicule the responses you didn’t like, and it was therefore judged by a mod to be nothing but trash and deleted. You did that to yourself. 1 year ago
I thought it was a spot-on comment. Addressed to the whole congregation. No switcheroo intended.
You people. I swear.
I’m hungry for conversation. It’s true. And what passes for conversation among you normal people bores me. So I try to inspire something strange. To boldly go and such.
Maybe I’ll leave lemmy. Talking to one of you is like talking to all of you. You really have nothing new to say. And your egos are so fragile. Seriously. Starting with the mean stuff at the drop of a hat.