Comment on Monday SOTD Thread - December 11, 2023 ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

December 11, 2023

Luxury Shave™️

Got a new razor and a new soap. I didn’t use the new soap for this luxury shave, but I did use the new razor.

I’ve been hemming and hawing about getting this razor for well over a year, and finally decided the time was right to part with $32 in order to get one.

I’m so glad I did! It has all of the charm of a Fatip, but, dare I say, none of the bite! It’s too early to say, and this is just a first impression, but this razor is right up my alley.

I’ve used a Fatip il Piccolo (their standard OC non-slant head, and a Piccolo handle), and I have a Fatip Classic Lo Storto OC Slant to compare this with.

It feels mild, but I think it’s one of those razors that might lull you into a false sense of security. A light touch goes a very long way. I only had a little bit of growth since shaving 10 hours ago, but as says, “the same number of hairs”. A very nice, close shave.
