Comment on What's your least favorite GW2 Vault Daily Task?

<- View Parent ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Yeah, it would really help, if the people selecting those tasks would play their own game. The old daily system was the reason, why I tried out WvW afterall as a non-PvPer. I used to be there pretty much every day at least for the dailies and sometimes a lot longer, e. g. if I bumped into a friendly squad.

I also wish there was more variety and that the tasks were more balanced effort-wise, i. e. Spirit Vestibule is an extreme outlier in the daily category.

Last but not least I wish that Anet would stop treating Events like Quests. The old daily system did that, too. And even worse, they abused them again for the New Hero Jump Start. I can not overstate, how much I hate this. I want to bump into events by accident and not look for them.
